Difference between revisions of "Script-and-inputOutputField.x3d"

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(Browser Results)
(Browser Results)
Line 88: Line 88:
| Vivaty
| Vivaty
| 2.1
| 2.1
| Expected
| Not Expected
| reading foo does not work but also no function called ?!?
| Xj3D
| Xj3D
| 2_M1_DEV_2008-06_02
| 2_M1_DEV_2008-06_02
| Expected
| Not Expected
| the value of foo is the function and the foo() function is
not called.

Revision as of 13:15, 6 August 2008

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <X3D profile='Full' >
 <Scene DEF='scene'>
   <Viewpoint position='20 0 40'/>
     <Text DEF='text' string='"Initialize called: FALSE" "readFoo() called: FALSE" "foo value send: FALSE" "foo function called: FALSE" "set_foo function called: FALSE" "foo_changed function called: FALSE"'/>
   <Script DEF='s1' directOutput='true'>
     <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='text' type='SFNode'>
       <Text USE='text'/>
     <field accessType='inputOutput' name='foo' type='SFFloat' value='5'/>
     <field accessType='inputOnly' name='readFoo' type='SFTime'/><![CDATA[ecmascript:
 function initialize (value) {
   line = 'Initialized called: TRUE; foo value: ' + foo;
   text.string[0] = line;
 function readFoo (value) {     
  text.string[1] = 'readFoo called: TRUE, value: ' + foo;
 function foo (value) {     
  text.string[3] = 'foo function called: TRUE; ' + value;
 function set_foo (value) {     
  text.string[4] = 'set_foo function called: TRUE; ' + value;
 function foo_changed (value) {     
  text.string[5] = 'foo_changed function called: TRUE; ' + value;
   <TimeSensor DEF='ts' cycleInterval='3' loop='true'/>
   <Script DEF='s2' directOutput='true'>
     <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='text' type='SFNode'>
       <Text USE='text'/>
     <field accessType='inputOnly' name='fooCatcher' type='SFFloat'/><![CDATA[ecmascript:
 function fooCatcher (value) {
   text.string[2] = 'Foo value send: TRUE; value: ' + value;
   <ROUTE fromNode='ts' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='s1' toField='set_foo'/>
   <ROUTE fromNode='ts' fromField='cycleTime' toNode='s1' toField='readFoo'/>
   <ROUTE fromNode='s1' fromField='foo_changed' toNode='s2' toField='fooCatcher'/>

Browser Results

Browser Version Result Notes
BS Contact 7.107 Not Expected Follows the X3D-Spec: read on foo gives you the field value,

but foo() as function gets also called. Breaks the ECMAScript spec.

FreeWRL Not Expected No support for inputOutput
Octaga Not Expected same as bscontact but addition initialize() is not called. Breaks the ECMAScript spec
Instant Reality 2.0.0_beta4 Not Expected reading foo returns the function not the field value.

foo() funciton gets called. Does not break X3D or ECMA spec but field value is not accessible.

Vivaty 2.1 Not Expected reading foo does not work but also no function called ?!?
Xj3D 2_M1_DEV_2008-06_02 Not Expected the value of foo is the function and the foo() function is

not called.