Difference between revisions of "X3D Python Language Binding"

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m (Deliverables)
(Motivation: ideas)
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== Motivation ==
== Motivation ==
* multiple language bindings provide equivalent implementations of X3D Scene Access Interface (SAI) Specification, which in turn accesses the X3D Architecture Specification
* Python is widely used
* We are not afraid of programming languages that depend on whitespace
spec relationships diagram
* spec relationships diagram
== Resources ==
== Resources ==

Revision as of 07:36, 20 July 2018



  • multiple language bindings provide equivalent implementations of X3D Scene Access Interface (SAI) Specification, which in turn accesses the X3D Architecture Specification
  • Python is widely used
  • We are not afraid of programming languages that depend on whitespace
  • spec relationships diagram


list them


  • prose and spec
  • examples
  • implementation
  • game plan