Revision as of 08:32, 23 April 2014 by Cxo eoso (Talk | contribs) (pasted a couple of proposal bullets)
- New Work Item Proposal, ISO/IEC 19774 Humanoid Animation - Part 1: Architecture (Submitted to ISO) nwip_HAnim130724(1)
- New Work Item Proposal, ISO/IEC 19774 Humanoid Animation - Part 2: Motion Capture (Submitted to ISO) nwip_HAnim130724(2)
- Working Draft Outline for Humanoid Animation - Part 1 HAnimArchitectureWD130724
- Working Draft Outline for Humanoid Animation - Part 2 HAnimMotionWD130724
- 2013-07-21, H-Anim Facial Animation, Prof. Jung-Ju Choi (Ajou Univresity, Korea) FA_HAnim_LA20130721
- 2013-07-21, Modeling and Animation of Hands and Feet, Prof. Kwan-Hee You (Chungbuk National University, Korea) HandAndFeetAnimation130821