Revision as of 00:33, 28 January 2006 by Abergstrom (Talk | contribs)
BooleanSequencer : X3DSequencerNode { SFBool [in] next SFBool [in] previous SFFloat [in] set_fraction MFFloat [in,out] key [] (-∞,∞) MFBool [in,out] keyValue [] SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject] SFBool [out] value_changed }
BooleanSequencer generates sequential SFBool events when driven from a TimeSensor clock. Among other actions, it can enable/disable lights and sensors, or bind/unbind Viewpoints and other X3DBindableNodes via set_bind events.
The keyValue field is made up of a list of FALSE and TRUE values.
A BooleanSequencer shall be instanced for every node enabled or bound.