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Composed3DTexture : X3DTexture3DNode {
  SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFBool []       repeatS  FALSE
  SFBool []       repeatT  FALSE
  SFBool []       repeatR  FALSE
  MFNode [in,out] texture  []   [X3DTexture2DNode]

The Composed3DTexture node defines a 3D image-based texture map as a collection of 2D texture sources at various depths and parameters controlling tiling repetition of the texture onto geometry.

The texture values are interpreted with the first image being at depth 0 and each following image representing an increasing depth value in the R direction. A user shall provide 2n source textures in this array. The individual source textures will ignore their repeat field values.

See the Concepts section of the X3D specification for a general description of texture maps.

See the Texturing component section of the X3D specification for a general description of the X3DTexture2DNode abstract type and interpretation of rendering for 2D images. When used as a source for cubic environment maps, the fields repeatS and repeatT fields shall be ignored.