Features and Strengths of X3D
From Web3D.org
Revision as of 11:31, 17 February 2010 by Anita.havele (Talk | contribs)
- X3D is a royalty-free open standard for real-time 3D graphics communication on the Web.
- X3D is an interchange format for many 3D graphics technologies with well-defined run-time behavior (interactive and immersive).
- Many aspects of X3D design closely match the architecture of HTML and other XML languages.
- X3D scenes can be linked via Anchor elements or grown via embedded Inline elements.
- X3D scene authoring does not require programming expertise and can be accomplished by Web authors.
- X3D is designed for performance, device independence, user interactivity and internationalization (I18N).
- Web3D working groups are responsive, continuing to produce X3D Specification updates every 2-3 years.
- X3D has a long and stable evolution that originated with the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML97).
- X3D maintains backwards compatibility while steadily adding new cutting-edge industry capabilities.
- X3D is well supported by many browser plugins, players, authoring tools and conversion tools.
- X3D implementations are widely available as either commercial products or open source.
- Quality assurance (QA) for X3D scenes includes DTD, XML Schema and Schematron validation.
- Conformance suites and numerous example scenes are available to test proper software compliance.
Interoperability and Deployment of X3D
X3D enables the communication of real-time 3D across applications, networks, and XML web services.
There are several X3D compliant, open-source and commercial X3D-players with high performance/multi-platform render-engines. Consistent browser installation and operations, making it easy for end users to see X3D as a stable ISO standard with interoperable user interfaces and navigation.
Player support: Windows, MacOSX, Linux, and Solaris.