X3D CAD People

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X3D CAD working group members: please add short-summary descriptions of your interests in X3D CAD efforts.

Don Brutzman

William O. Glascoe III

My interests in X3D are three fold 1. enabler to bridge the "air gap" between the CAD flowing in products' supply chain and the CAD-less consumer chain 2. enabler to bridge the "intellectual gap" between 'patients' and healthcare providers via anthropomorphic interface to health states: past, present and planned 3. catalyst to the DoD perennial challenge of enterprise wide modeling and simulation composition

Michele Foti

Hyokwang Lee

Vince Marchetti

Christophe Mouton

Marc Petit

My main interest is integration of 3D into the Information System. When industrial installations (like power plants) are concerned, CAD is interesting beacuse it allows :

  • Reduced network footprint (higher-level primitives)
  • Consistency with the IS (structure, identification of parts)

For CAD, I mostly see X3D as a presentation format. I'd be glad to see it cover interchange too, but presentation can bring high rewards rather fast while staying focused.

Dick Puk

President, Intelligraphics Incorporated, consultants in computer graphics. Also, liaison from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 to the Web3D Consortium and editor of the X3D standards. Convener of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24/WG6.