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These are references useful for implementors and users of the X3D NURBS component.

A primary reference for NURBS curves and surfaces is: L Peigl and W Tiller, The NURBS Book, Springer-Verlag 2nd Ed. 1997. See the Solid Modeling Solutions site for further information on this resource.

NURBS example X3D models

  • The X3D terminology is different from the terminology used in the STEP standard. As specified in Part 42 of the STEP (ISO 10303) the "control points" attribute of a b-spline (including nurbs) entity contains the coordinates a point in real, not homogeneous, space. See the standards document ISO 10303-42:1998(E) section 4.4.70
  • X3D Browser Evaluation PDF, Oct 2012: A summary of the state of X3D browsers' rendering of NurbsPatchSurface and NurbsTrimmedSurface nodes.
  • jGeom is an open-source java geometry graphics library using NURBS that might be useful.