Revision as of 07:42, 28 April 2015 by Walroy (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Node Reference ==BoundedPhysicsModel== Specification Link: [")
Specification Link: BoundedPhysicsModel
BoundedPhysicsModel : X3ParticlePhysicsModelNode { SFBool [in,out] enabled TRUE SFNode [in,out] geometry NULL [X3DGeometryNode] SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject] }
DTD Validation
Children must appear as follows:
- A single, optional IS.
- A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
- A single prototype or node derived from X3DGeometryNode. This is one of:
- Arc2D
- ArcClose2D
- Box
- Circle2D
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Disk2D
- ElevationGrid
- Extrusion
- GeoElevationGrid
- IndexedLineSet
- LineSet
- PointSet
- Polyline2D
- PolyPoint2D
- Rectangle2D
- Sphere
- Text
- TriangleSet2D
- Node derived from X3DComposedGeometryNode. This is one of:
- Node derived from X3DParametricGeometryNode. This is one of:
- NurbsCurve
- NurbsSweptSurface
- NurbsSwungSurface
- Node derived from X3DNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode. This is one of:
There are no attributes requiring additional value validation checks.
Schema Validation
Children must appear as follows:
- A single, optional IS.
- A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
- A single node chosen from one of the following:
- An appropriately defined Prototype node
- Arc2D
- ArcClose2D
- Box
- Circle2D
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Disk2D
- ElevationGrid
- Extrusion
- GeoElevationGrid
- IndexedFaceSet
- IndexedLineSet
- IndexedQuadSet
- IndexedTriangleFanSet
- IndexedTriangleSet
- IndexedTriangleStripSet
- LineSet
- NurbsCurve
- NurbsSweptSurface
- NurbsSwungSurface
- NurbsPatchSurface
- NurbsTrimmedSurface
- PointSet
- Polyline2D
- PolyPoint2D
- QuadSet
- Rectangle2D
- Sphere
- Text
- TriangleFanSet
- TriangleSet
- TriangleSet2D
- TriangleStripSet
There are no attributes requiring additional value validation checks.
Schematron validation