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Specification Link: CADLayer

CADLayer : X3DGroupingNode {
  MFNode   [in]     addChildren
  MFNode   [in]     removeChildren
  MFNode   [in,out] children       []       [X3DChildNode]
  SFNode   [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFString [in,out] name ""
  MFBool   [in,out] visible        []
  SFVec3f  []       bboxCenter     0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f  []       bboxSize       -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1

DTD Validation


Children must appear as follows:

  1. A single, optional IS.
  2. A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
  3. Any number, including none, of Prototype nodes or nodes derived from X3DChildNode in any order.

NOTE: There is some discrepancy between the list of specification defined X3DChildNodes and those permitted by the DTD. This has been raised and is awaiting resolution.


There is no validation of the numerical values of the bboxCenter or bboxSize fields. Neither is there any validation of the number of values.

Schema Validation


Children must appear as follows:

  1. A single, optional IS.
  2. A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
  3. Any number, including none, of Prototype nodes or nodes derived from X3DChildNode in any order.

NOTE: There is some discrepancy between the list of specification defined X3DChildNodes and those permitted by the Schema. This has been raised and is awaiting resolution.


  • The bboxCenter field accepts a triplet of numerical values.
  • The bboxsize field accepts either three values, each one being greater than or equal to zero, or the triplet -1 -1 -1.

Schematron Validation