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Specification Link: CollisionCollection
CollisionCollection : X3DChildNode { MFString [in,out] appliedParameters "BOUNCE" ["BOUNCE", "USER_FRICTION" "FRICTION_COEFFICIENT-2", "ERROR_REDUCTION", "CONSTANT_FORCE", "SPEED-1", "SPEED-2", "SLIP-1", "SLIP-2"] SFFloat [in,out] bounce 0 [0,1] MFNode [in,out] collidables [] [X3DNBodyCollisionSpaceNode, X3DNBodyCollidableNode] SFBool [in,out] enabled TRUE SFVec2f [in,out] frictionCoefficients 0 0 [0,∞) SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject] SFFloat [in,out] minBounceSpeed 0.1 [0,∞) SFVec2f [in,out] slipFactors 0 0 (-∞,∞) SFFloat [in,out] softnessConstantForceMix 0.0001 [0,1] SFFloat [in,out] softnessErrorCorrection 0.8 [0,1] SFVec2f [in,out] surfaceSpeed 0 0 (-∞,∞) }
DTD Validation
Although it is defined as an X3DChildNode it can only appear, apart from prototype definitions, as a child of a RigidBodyCollection or CollisionSensor node.
Children must appear as follows:
- A single, optional IS.
- A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
- Any number of nodes, including zero, of the following types:
- An appropriately typed Prototype node
- CollidableOffset
- CollidableShape
- CollisionSpace
- There are no controls on the acceptable entries for the appliedParameters field.
- There are no limits on the values for the bounce, frictionCoefficients, minBounceSpeed, softnessConstantForceMix, or softnessErrorCorrection fields.
- The containerField attribute has a default value of "collidables".
Schema Validation
Although it is defined as an X3DChildNode it can only appear, apart from prototype definitions, as a child of a RigidBodyCollection or CollisionSensor node.
Children must appear as follows:
- A single, optional IS.
- A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.
- Any number of nodes, including zero, of the following types:
- An appropriately typed Prototype node
- CollidableOffset
- CollidableShape
- CollisionSpace
- There are no controls on the acceptable entries for the appliedParameters field.
- The bounce field is checked to ensure that the value is in the range 0 to 1 inclusive.
- There are no limits on the values for the frictionCoefficients field.
- The minBounceSpeed field is checked to ensure that the value is greater than or equal to zero.
- The softnessConstantForceMix field is checked to ensure that the value is in the range 0 to 1 inclusive.
- The softnessErrorCorrection field is checked to ensure that the value is in the range 0 to 1 inclusive.
- The containerField attribute has a default value of "children".
Schematron validation