3DPrinting Scanning File Formats
From Web3D.org
Revision as of 07:13, 3 December 2015 by Vmarchetti (Talk | contribs) (Additive Manufactuing Format)
This page will serve as a summary of file formats used in 3D Printing and Scanning. Information will be included that is useful to understand the capabilities of each format and compare them with current and potential capabilites of the X3D standard applied to 3D printing and scanning. Emphasis is placed on file formats which are standards and which have open and accessible documentation, as opposed to proprietary formats.
AMF is Additive Manufacturing Format, commonly with .amf file extension.
- http://amf.wikispaces.com : Wiki resource.
- XSD schema
- ASTM Standard AMF is ISO/ASTM52915-13 standard (v 1.1). The standard document is sold by ASTM.